Friday, January 9, 2009

immune strength

Here are some ideas I use for boosting the immune system, since it has been on everyone's mind lately.
#1. Probiotic 11 or Bifidophilous ( or L.Reuteri chewable)- getting more probiotics is important as it has been said to be 80% of your immune system. Dr. Rodier, MD,  at our convention said that when a patient needs probiotics he gives them 20 capsules twice a day! So my feeling is - eat as many as you can afford! If I am feeling healthy,I eat a few every couple days - if I am extra stressed ,I do more, if I feel illness coming, I do way more.
#2. Natures Immune Stimulator - its MADE to do what it says ! or I consider doing one or two Olive Leaf extract capsules daily. those who have trouble with their respiratory system being where they always get hit, have had great luck with Herbasaurs Elderberry Plus chewable or Elderberry Defense
# 3. Silver Shield liquid or gel- some take a teaspoonful every day in place of a flu shot. it has been increased to 3-8 times a day if illness is threatening . I have known people who used a whole bottle per day for three days to kick out something bad fast. Use the Gel  on your hands instead of those drying antibacterial gels (that articles are claiming now, do nothing more than push the germs around) On your hands it will protect you from virus, bacteria, fungus and mold for up to 4 hours. I have used the gel on my toothbrush to brush my tongue when I had a sore throat starting - worked great!
#4 Guardian Essential Oil- is used to rub on the bottom of the feet or in the center of breast bone to stimulate immune
AND eat a lot of garlic! the less cooked the better - but if you DO cook - cut up and let set at least 10 min before cooking. I read this gives it time to oxidate and seal in the active ingredient , making it nearly as potent medicinally as raw.
ALSO I drink a lot of fresh lemon in my water ( hot or cold) - helps to alkalize you. Virus need an acid environment to flourish so this makes you more inhospitable. 
OK, there's a few thoughts for today- next time I will tell you what we use when someone is already sick with the flu or a cold--- Have you got any favorite remedies or foods ?