Monday, November 30, 2009

natural breast care

October is National Breast Health Awareness month and I am happy to tell you there is MUCH you can do to protect yourself from Breast Cancer besides mammograms, which some find controversial.
Here is some info from You Can Thrive! an organization that supports cancer victims with natural therapies and counseling , located in NYC.

Self Care Tips for Breast Care:

1. Eat organically produced foods. Both animal and plant food sources. Plant foods grown

conventionally are laden petroleum based pesticides, which are estrogen mimickers and confuse the

body into accepting them into their cells. Meat that is non organic contains harmful synthetic

hormones that are injected into the animal and pesticides from the food it consumes.

2. Add Healthy Fats: Your body needs fat and oils to stay healthy. The cells in your body have

membranes that are made from fat. Omega3 fats found primarily in flaxseed oil, fish oil and walnuts,

possess anti-tumor qualities, prevent cell division and are anti viral. Use organic and unrefined olive

oil and coconut oil for cooking, use flaxseed oil as a salad dressing, and eat fish or take a high quality

fish oil supplement.

3. Eat 30 Grams of Fiber per Day: A diet that is high in fiber lowers your risk of cancers by 30%.

Regular elimination removes toxins from your body minimizing the absorption of them through the

large intestine. Constipation increases cancer risk. High fiber foods include whole grains (quinoa,

millet, barley, buckwheat, brown rice, etc.) beans - especially kidney beans, nuts, seeds, and raw fruits

and vegetables.

4. Center your diet around plant based foods: think of meat as a side dish. Consume plenty of body

protective foods like ground flax seeds, split peas, legumes, soy, foods rich in beta carotene (carrots,

parsley, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, cantaloupe, asparagus, kale, mango, peaches, apricots, and sea

vegetables), foods from the brassica family (broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, bok choy,

watercress, collards) beans, almonds, pumpkin seeds, and drink green tea. Eating 2 apples a day

reduces your risk of breast cancer by 40%. Make sure to choose organic.

5. Avoid drinking out of plastic water bottles, using plastic wrap on your food, putting hot beverages

or foods in plastic, and microwaving foods in plastic containers. Chemicals can leach from the

plastic, especially when the containers are heated, cleaned with harsh detergents or exposed to acidic

foods or drinks. Plastic contains xenoestrogens also called environmental estrogens or hormone

disruptors. Bisphenol A, or BPA, has been detected in nearly all humans tested in the U.S. It is a key

building block in the manufacture of hard, clear polycarbonate plastics, including baby bottles, water

bottles and other food and beverage containers. These synthetic estrogens bind to breast cells and can

stimulate them to produce new blood vessels needed for tumor growth and spread, they sit in receptor

sites and cannot be made into protective estrogen by the body. They also accumulate in our bodies

and are stored in our fat cells because they are difficult to breakdown and eliminate.

6. Move your body! Studies show that exercising 3 hours a week can cut risk of recurrence by up to

50%! Exercise oxygenates cells. Use a gentle steady type that focus on fluid movements and deep

breathing thereby decreasing stress and inflammation in the body. See: Two additional types to try are Qigong and Tai Chi.

7. Green your cleaning products: Look at the chemicals you are exposed to in your home. Laundry

detergent, dish soap, anti bacterial soaps with the ingredients triclosan or triclocarban, air fresheners

and candles are all places dangerous ingredients can lurk. Natural food stores are great places to find

better options. You can clean almost anything in your house with vinegar and baking soda.

8. Pay attention to what you put on your body - your skin will absorb it! What you put on your body

winds up in your bloodstream. The average woman uses 12 different personal care products

everyday, exposing herself to approximately 168 different synthetic chemicals. Many of these

chemicals are known to cause cancer. Make the switch to natural or organic body care. Avoid all

products that contain sodium laurel and or laureth sulfate they are both cancer promoting substances.

Look carefully at all products you use on your body: including hairspray, shampoo, conditioner,

lotions, moisturizer, toner, shaving cream, all cosmetics, nail polish, and especially antiperspirants.

Antiperspirants are strong chemicals, usually containing aluminum, which prevents sweating and had

been found in breast tumors. Sweating is the way your body eliminates toxins and unwanted

materials with the help of the lymphatic system. So let your body do the job it was meant to and use

a natural deodorant. Ask people at our center for effective alternatives.

9. Go braless for 12 hours everyday: Tight bras restrict the lymphatic system from removing cellular

debris in the breast tissue. For proper movement and lymph circulation, wear your bra less, and never

sleep in your bra. There could be a decreased risk of breast cancer in women who do not wear bras.

10. Natural Rhythms Dark and light: Your body releases melatonin while you sleep, melatonin has

been shown to slow breast cancer growth by up to 70%. Melatonin is triggered by our circadian

rhythms (internal time clock) and darkness. Sleeping in total darkness during appropriate hours can

reduce breast cancer risk. This means: no TV, or any other peripheral light, or open blinds. Consider

wearing black out eyeshades to bed. It is also important to go to sleep by 10:30PM this is when your

body produces the most melatonin. During the day, catch some rays!! Sunlight is a great way to get

vitamin D, and vitamin D is a hormone that has been proven to reduce the risk of breast cancer. But

beware of estrogen mimicking chemicals in sunscreens, limit your exposure or make sure the active

ingredients are titanium dioxide or zinc. Avoid sunscreens with the harmful chemicals:

benzophenone, benzophenone-3, oxybenzone, homosalate, octyl-methoxicinnamate, octinoxate,

PABA (Para-Amino-Benzoic-Acid), Padimate-O. Sun blocks that do not use the harmful chemicals

are California Baby and Aubrey Organics.

Disclaimer: As is the case with all other information given here, this information is being offered

for as educational material, and is not a substitute for medical advice based on full clinical evaluation of the case.

See your doctor and do your research.