Saturday, January 10, 2009

Silver Shield & Lavender Oil-the Best First Aid Set

There are rumblings of the Big Pharma taking measures to create legal action that will take our precious Silver Shield products off the market. Be aware, contact your US senator and  representative and let them know you want to have access to Silver products. WHY do they want to do this? because this stuff does everything! And it does it well! With no side effects. This is NOT the old fashioned silver - this is newly patented aqua sol technology and does NOT collect in the tissues so it is SAFE. This is why Big Pharma wants it off the market- too much competition!
If there is ONE product I would stock up on it is this Silver Shield; both the gel and the liquid. Along with some NSP Lavender Essential Oil, you have a very powerful first aid set.
 The Lavender is calming for anxiety attacks, helps insomnia, calms hysteria, helps migraines, balances mood (brings up depressed, people calms down stressed people)soothes diarrhea OR constipation(rub on intestinal area)bug repellant safe for infants.  Basically it helps many areas of healing- it is called the Universal oil- if in doubt what to use, put some lavender on it! It will likely help! It is a powerful remedy for all kinds of  burns.  Its a powerful pain reliever and healing to tissues,so it is a natural to combine with the Silver to wounds and rashes, and burns. 
Silver is a natural to "stockpile" as it can be safely stored for years at a time and would be extremely useful agent in the fight against bio-terrorism.  It has been shown to disable anthrax, bird flu, plague, malaria, impetigo, scarlet fever, pneumonia, meningitis, toxic shock syndrome, food poisoning,diarrhea, flu, urinary infections, hepatitis.  It has been used as a voice spray, mouth wash for dental plaque and decay, and throat infection,  for ear infections, eye infections, sore and strep throats, nasal spray for sinus problems,tooth and jaw infections vaginal yeast infections, skin issues such as acne, rashes, ringworm, shingles, skin infections, foot and toe fungus,diaper rash  AND  it makes a great anti-bacterial hand gel (that has no alcohol so it is not drying)also good to put on the face after washing to discourage acne, or other skin issues. IT disables All kinds of bacteria, virus, fungus and mold- so it can also disinfect counters, cutting boards, toothbrushes, laundry .
ASK me for a paper or ADVICE on detailed use in these situations. 
I personally have used it to heal wounds and stitches FAST.  Brushed my teeth and tongue with the gel to get rid of a sore throat overnight, saw it heal acne FAST, got rid of toe nail fungus, cleared up ear aches and sinus infections and more.
The thing to REMEMBER WITH SILVER is it needs to be in contact with the germs for AT LEAST 6 minutes to disable it. So gargle or hold in your ear, etc.  for at least that long ALSO for best results wrap skin issues (nail fungus, warts, infections, etc in a band-aid after applying)
There's some ideas about why I keep large quantities of Silver on MY shelf. So get your shelf stocked and go to Health Freedom and use their site to voice your  concern to the politicians.