Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Stopping a cold COLD

OK. Are you one of the MANY people who I have heard from or seen that has been hit with a cold? here's some things to try that many have had results with. For the BEST results you should try to hit it as soon as you feel any symptoms every hour or two for the first 24 or 48 hours. then taper off products as you feel better.

Try several of these depending what you have on hand:

*VItamin C - 1000 mg every hour or to bowel tolerance (if stools get loose: cut back a little) I like the powdered Ascorbates- it is easy on the stomach. some folks have discouraged a cold or flu in the first 24 hours being persistent with this alone!
The powder is great to mix in water topped off with a large dose of Thai GO juice- it improves the flavor and adds the punch of extra antioxidants

*Probiotics-( Bifidophilous, Probiotic 11, L.Reuteri) 5-10 caps every 3 hours for first few days if needed keep up 2 twice per day after for maintenance or if you have been on antibiotics

*Silver Shield- take 1 tea. to 1 Tab. 3-5 times daily. Can gargle with it first (for 6 minutes minimum) to help sore throat, then swallow. Have known people to sip on one bottle a day of this for really fast results!

*Can spray Silver up the nose with atomizer also. (I have these bottles in my office)

When traveling and I didn't have the liquid, I used a glob of Silver Gel on my toothbrush and brushed the back of my tongue to get rid of a sore throat overnight

*ALJ- 2-4 caps every 2-4 hours depending on severity of congestion

*Oregano oil or Guardian Oil- on bottom of feet to boost immune especially oregano when there is bronchial issues

*Guardian Oil on chest or in bath to boost immune.

*Tea Tree oil or Tei Fu oil to open congestion on chest or sinus area of face ( rub a little olive oil on first in case you are sensitive to it) put a drop of Peppermint oil on the tongue to open up stuffy head
-use any of these oils - a drop - in a bowl of bowling water to inhale - BE SURE to cover head to hold steam in with you

Pick one ot two of the immune formulas below (Use one of these at maintenance level all winter to prevent cold and flu)

*CBG liquid formula-3-4 times daily
*Ultimate Echinacea liquid- 3-4 times daily
*Astragulus – boost immune 2 caps 3 times daily
*Elderberry Defense OR Elderberry Plus Chewable- 2 tablets 3-4 times daily
*Immune Stimulator- 6-10 caps daily
*Olive leaf- 2 caps 2-4 times daily

DO NOT eat dairy or sugar or white flour products
DO EAT lots of fruit- not oranges! they can create more mucus in some blood types!
try kiwi,strawberries and red peppers, they are higher in C
DO EAT steamed or fresh veggies, little bit of chicken, fish or eggs

Lots of herb tea (peppermint, ginger for nausea, Pau D'Arco- boosts immune) hot or cold
or Plain water (my mother use to say you have to drown the germs -it's kind of true!)

REST! Put off till tomorrow as much as you can!

Drink Ed’s garlic cure:
2 cloves garlic chopped - let set 10 min
heat tomato or broth etc
put garlic on just before eating
(and cayenne pepper if you are into it) and slurp down.

1 whole lemon squeezed well in a mug
honey and boiling water to taste

1 cup fresh lemon juice, 1 cup pure maple syrup, 3 qts cold water,
to either of these you can put a shake of red pepper if desired

do plenty of these three drinks!

AND do some preventatives above or immune boosters after you get though this to build the immune system !!!
Keep your toxin levels cleaned out to stay healthier the rest of the winter

Have YOU had good results kicking a cold or the flu with any natural remedies ?