Sunday, December 29, 2013

Probiotics keep you healthy AND happy

As we blast into the winter months everyone starts worrying about getting sick. SO quit worrying and start preparing to be well. Being harassed to get the flu shot? Read about the pros and cons at . If you are not interested in the shot and people continue to try to lay a guilt trip on you because “You endanger everyone by not getting it”. Simply ask these people “Did you get the shot? If it’s so effective than you should be protected, so why are you worried that you will catch something from ME?”
Then let them know you ARE strengthening your immune system by feeding it the things this important body system needs. Science now tells us 75-80% of the immune system is the good bacteria (also known as  probiotics) in your intestines. These powerful living bacteria can be weakened by antibiotics, birth control pills, steroid use, and many other  medications as well as coffee and a poor diet high in processed foods.
Along with lots of raw foods eat foods that have good bacteria in them: some yogurts(look at label), miso soup,kefir, sauerkraut, kim chi, some olives and pickles, tempeh, even high quality dark chocolate! These help replace probiotics on a daily basis.
But if you have been prone to illness, yeast infections, mood problems or in an environment that puts you in touch with lots of sick people (attention school teachers and nurses,etc!) or if you consume things that deplete your probiotics (see list above) than you really should take CAPSULES of Probiotic 11 or Bifidophilous. Start with 2 capsules once a day. If ill or at first signs do as many as you can afford! At a lecture by a holistic MD, Dr. Rodier, he was asked, how many? He replied “If my patient NEEDS it I have them take 20 capsules twice a day” So take plenty! 
Have you heard the latest studies that show there is a nerve that runs from the gut to the brain? It showed how the amount of probiotics in the gut affected the brain and mood! They found taking more probiotics may be helpful for those with depression as well. Check out and search for “probiotics, the new prozac”

Also consider adding one of the formulas that further supports the immune function in your body. Seasonal D3fense (with vitamin D3), is a great daily formula that gets rave reviews from people who tell me “It’s the first winter I did not get sick at all!!” Immune Stimulator is powerful help to take when you feel that first sign of illness and to continue till you feel 100%. A common mistake is not taking the herbs and vitamins for long enough. Usually people feel results with in hours if using the right dose, but do not stop right away! Use the program another day or two then start tapering down over the next few days. Be prepared to ramp it up if anything comes back. Keep a big supply in the freezer- order $40 worth at my site and be eligible to get them at wholesale prices.