Wednesday, March 7, 2012

what else does a body good?

Sorry I have not been on this blog as I have been feeding my alter ego--the art instructor side of me! I just hung a huge show of my students work at the Sprinkler Factory Art gallery in Worcester MA for the month of March. I talk about it and have a couple pictures in my art blog- BUT ANYWAY the point I want to make today is the powerful therapy some folks get from learning to paint with me ( it is a special method I devised that allows ANYONE to create a beautiful amazing painting) When people become artists who are severely challenged with physical or attention problems or even social standing issues in children, it gives them a new focus of self value. As an artist they are admired for this mysterious talent they display and the admiration feeds their very soul which is the spark behind our good health.
So do something that makes you proud of yourself and something you truly enjoy- it will only enhance your well being! if you are near to me, and need a new focus in life, consider taking an art class - I will bring out that hidden talent for you to enjoy- I have taught legally blind folks, quadriplegic folks, folks over 100 yrs old - beginners of all kinds. My special method ( developed in my first nursing home classes) does not require any drawing or art experience.
SO find that passion in YOUR life and play with it!

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