Wednesday, January 22, 2014

How did you begin to see the light?

I became interested  in common foods and plants that make people feel better back in the early 70s when I started leaning towards the whole earthy crunchy granola type movement. I read different herbalists' books, tried making various teas and poultices and even got some gelatin capsules at the natural foods store to fill with my own formulas. (there were no capsulated herbs for sale then) I grew a few herbs even and read all I could find. I  discovered this whole history of people out there who had been using herbs for everything for a long time. My only complaint was, there did not seem to be any one way to learn about all the great remedies. One book would tell you one method or herb that you should use and the next one I read said never use that herb and this is a better way to do that. Almost became as confusing as looking stuff up on the internet today!

In the early 80s I met Bill Fage, a sort of wandering herbal hour entertainer who came to my house and gave a great talk on about a dozen or more herbs and their uses. I asked different people over and had him come again and again. It was always the same talk but I learned so much and took lots of notes.
I realized then that Nature's Sunshine Products, which is what he used, were the answer to my problems. They had a massive research and development department as well as an incredible quality control department. It impressed me that they spent no money on ads but lots on quality control. And they had a solid educational program with live seminars taught by herbalists and natural practitioners  that I could ask questions of.
After using their products and actually getting excellent results over and over I was hooked. And so it all began: I studied more and more, went to lots of seminars and conventions all over the country where I could learn from the top leaders in the natural health field and earned several certifications and course completions.

Now after nearly 40 years of using herbs personally, I see herbs being used by all kinds of people in all kinds of settings. Sadly though, many of the products on the shelf are totally JUNK ( there is no regulation of herbal products)  so many people  do not know the power that real herbs can bring to your health.  How long will it take to get the message through that you must have the quality to see results?

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