Thursday, January 6, 2011

FLU Prevention and Relief

People getting sick all around you ? I have found if I feel any symptoms I start taking pure Vit C Ascorbates or Citrus biolflavonoids EVERY hour (or to bowel tolerance) and 5-10 Probiotic capsules ( good bacteria) 3 times a day and I can nip many flu or colds going around in 24 -48 hours. Olive leaf or Elderberry D3fense capsules help support my immune system and have antiviral properties also
Also useful if you feel any congestion are recipes our family has used successfully :

Garlic decongestant with antibiotic power:
2 cloves garlic chopped super fine. let set while you heat 1 mugful of tomato juice or broth or such (NOT in the microwave - google what do microwaves do bad to my food?)
when hot , put garlic in and slurp down - do not COOK garlic

Hot lemonade:
Helps move mucus out and feels good on a sore thoat
Use a hand juicer to squeeze 1 large lemon or 2 small ones into a large mug
add boiling water and honey to taste stir and sip while hot
also useful is the cold version:

Lemon Drink
In a gallon container mix
1 cup fresh lemon juice ( 4-5 lemons usually)
1 cup PURE maple syrup ( OR xylitol or stevia to taste - NO sugar or chemical sweeteners)
fill with water and (optional) use a shake of cayenne pepper on each glassful
drink frequently thru out the day whenever trying to clear mucus from cold or allergy

STAY AWAY FROM: dairy products, sugar, lots of white flour foods- these CREATE mucus

OIL up !
we use oregano oil on the souls of the feet to discourage virus in the body,
tea tree oil or tie fu oil on the chest to open congestion or a little on the sinus areas ( cheek bones and above eyebrows) for sinus issues (put a little olive oil on skin first if you tend to have sensitive skin)
peppermint oil on the tongue or a drop in a bowl of steaming water will open sinuses - put it with you under a towel (caution if asthmatic and mints bother you)

Mint tea,( or a drop of peppermint oil in 1 oz water) ginger tea, chamomile tea can all be soothing with stomach flu or colds

be sure to use medicinal grade essential oils and herbs only. Not sure? check out my website and there is a link to get great herbs and oils wholesale if you have not trusted source.

Get plenty of sleep and pay attention to getting lots of fruit and vegetables , raw, steamed and roasted. Drink Plenty of water ( with lemon is helpful)

say your affirmation- " I am healthy and feeling great" frequently while breathing deeply.


Educate Not Medicate

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